die Körper, der Norm – dance project (2017),
is a dance project which explored the impact of social norms on female bodies. Fifteen young women* took part in this dance project, asking questions like:
How do we perceive norms and in which way do they affect our bodies? What does it mean to fulfill a norm and how can I emancipate of societies codes and stereotypes? Using creative bodywork, the participants examined the structural effects of dependence and norm behavior. The discussion and acceptance of one's own body were a particular focus of the artistic process.
The performance and result of the project has been showed on November 21.st 2017 in WUK Wien and on 14.th February in Dschungel Wien.
Cast & Crew
Choreography & Concept: Lisbeth Bitto
Dance & Text: Anna Gegenleithner, Anna H. Maltelainen, Anna-Maria Renzhofer, Dorothea Hemmens, Ina Sattlegger, Lara Hartmann, Lena Maritsch, Lian Quintana-Abraham, Magdalena Haas, Nora Hein, Simone Loeffler, Rahaf Mohamad, Valentina Ritter,
Photo & Documentation: Amina Lehner
Supported by: Basis Kultur Wien, EureProjekte, WUK- die ttp.